Muslim Baby Boy names started by K

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Baby Girl Names: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | V | Y | Z

A collection of muslim new born Baby Boy names started by letter K

# English Arabic Meaning
1KaamilPerfect, accomplished.
2KaashifUncoverer, pioneer, discoverer.
3KabکعبFame, honour, high rank.
4KabaarkکبارکNoble, dignatories.
5Kabarکبارعالٰی مرتبہ
6KabirکبیرGreat, grand, magnificent, senior, Allah's epithet.
8Kadar, KedarPowerful
9Kadeen, KadinFriend, companion, confidant
10Kadeer, KadirGreen or green crop (connoting freshness and innocence)
11KafalatکفالتTo help.
12KafeelResponsible, Surety, Sponsor.
13KafiکافیSufficient, Al-Kafi, one of he names of Allah.
14KafilکفیلGuarantor, surety, sponsor, responsible.
15KahilكاهلFriend, lover.
16KaifکیفState, condition, mood.
17KaifiکیفیLushy, tipsy, jolly, bum, intoxicated, lusty.
19KaisanکیسانWise; A companion of the Prophet PBUH. was known by this name. He was Ibn-Jareer Al-Awami RA.
20KaiserEmperor, King.
21KajjiکجیName of Ibrahim Abdullah of Basrah, an authority for the Hadith at Baghdad.
22KalamکلامSpeech, conversation.
23KalanکلاںGreator, bigger, senior.
24KalbiکلبیName of Muhammad Ibn Saib an authority on genealogy and the Quran.
25KaleemSpeaker, talker.
26KalimکلیمInterlocutor, speaker, one of the two conservators.
27Kalim-ud-Dinکلیم الدینSpokesman of religion
28Kalimullahکلیم اللهOne who conversed with Allah. An epithet of Prophet Moses.
29KaliqCreative, refers to a quality of God
30KamalکمالPerfection, completion, integrity.
31Kamaluddinکمال الدینPerfection of religion (Islam).
32KameelکمیلPerfection, Perfect
33KamilکاملPerfect, consumate, thotough; Abu Bakr Ahmad was Ibn Kamil; he studied with Tabari and was a judge at Kufah and a scholar of Hadith.
34Kamil, KameelPerfect; one of the ninety nine qualities of God
35KamranکامرانLucky, happy, success.
36KamshadکمشادHappy Wish/desire.
39KaramکرمGenerosity, bounty.
40KaramatکرامتKarimah is dignity, honour, respect. Name of a companion of the Prophet PBUH.
41Karamullahکرم اللهBounty of Allah.
42KardalMustard seed
43KardarکاردارPrime minister.
44KareefخريفBorn in Autumn.
45Karif, KareefBorn in Autumn
46KarimکریمKind, generous, benevolent, noble, bountiful, magnificent, gracious, merciful, an epithet of Allah.
47Karim, KareemGenerous, noble, friendly, precious and distinguished
50KarrarکرارRepeated assault.
51KasamThe king.
52Kaseem, KasimDivided
53KashafکشفOpener, untier, one who opens.
54KashanکاشانA famous city.
55KashfiکشفیTo reveal.
57KasibکسیبWinner, provider.
58Kasib, KaseebFertile
60KasirکثیرMuch abundant, plenty.
61KasraکسریٰA Character In Shahnameh.
62KatebکاتبWriter, scribe.
63Kateb, KatibWriter, scribe
65KausarکوثرAbundance, name of a river in Paradise..
66KayanکیانTo be complete, to be fulfill.
67KayaniکیانیOf good nature.
68KaykausکیکاٶسJust, noble. King of Iran (d. 1058).
70KayvanکیونWorld, universe.
72KazimکاظمOne who controls or suppresses his anger.
73KeyaanکیانCrown, King.
74KhabbabخبابOne who paces, trots or walks fast;
77KhadinخدینBest Friend
78KhafidEasy, comfortable, smooth.
79KhafizخافضEasy, comfortable, smooth; also a name of Allah Al-Khafid meaning one who humbles, The Abaser, hence Abdul Khafid.
80KhairخیرGood, blessing, boon, wealth, benevolent, fortune.
81Khair al DinGoodness of the faith
82KhairatخیراتBlessings, good work, good deeds.
83Khairi, Khairy, KhayriCharitable, beneficent
84KhairuddinخیرالدینBoon of religion (Islam).
85Khairul BasharخیرالبشرBest of mankind, an epithet of the Prophet Muhammad.
86KhairyخيریCharitable, beneficent.
88KhakخاکSand / dirt, used to denote humbleness.
89KhalafخلفSuccessor, heir.
90Khalaf Hasanخلف حسنSuccessor of Hasan.
91KhalamServent to Allah.
92KhaldoonخلدونOld Arabic name.
93KhaldunخلدونName of a famous Muslim philosopher, historian & social scientist.
94Khaldun, KhaldoonOld Arabic name
97KhaleeqخلیقQualified, suitable, worthy of.
98KhalidخالدImmortal, eternal.
99Khalid Bin Walidخالد ابن ولیدGeneral to whom the Prophet Muhammad awarded the title of honour, Sword of Allah (d. 642).
100Khalid, KhaledEternal
101KhalifaخلیفهSuccessor, viceroy, caliph, vice-regent.
104Khalil al AllahFriend of God; title given to Prophet Ibrahim
105Khalil, Khaleel, KalilBeautiful, good friend
106Khalilullahخلیل اللهFriend of Allah, an epithet of Prophet Ibrahim.
108Khaliqus Subhanخلیق السبحانWorthy of the Glory (Allah).
109Khaliquz Zamanخلیق الزماںThe qualified (person) of the era.
110KhalisخالصPure, true, clear, real.
111KhalladخلادOld, Aged; A companion of the Prophet PBUH had this name, he was Ibn As-Saib.
112KhanخانLeader, ruler, ameer.
114KhaqanخاقانGreat king.
115KharijahخارجهOutside, external; Ibn Huzafah a companion, had this name.
116KhashiخاشعPious, devout.
117KhasibخصیبFruitful, prolific.
118KhateebخطیبOrator, title of someone who delivers speech.
119KhatibخاطبSuitor, matchmaker.
120KhatirخاطرHeart, idea.
121KhawarخاورEast/West. Vacant
122KhawliخولیDeer. Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr.
123KhawwasخواثTo be filled with food. Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr.
124KhawwatخواتName of a companion, bin Jubayr RA who was one of those whom them Prophet PBUH sent to verify reports of treachery of Banu Quraysh.
125KhayaamIranian Poet, Tent.
126KhayalخیالImagination, concentration.
127KhayrخیرGoodness, health, Safe.
128KhayriخیریBenevolent, charitable, beneficent.
130KhayyatخیاطTailor; Name of Abu Muhammad al-=Qasim, a reciter of The Quran.
133KhidashخداشA companion of the Prophet PBUH had this name, he was ibn Satamah RA.
135KhirashخراشScratching, Scraping, Name of a companion, ibn Abdullah.
136KhizarخضرName of a Prophet.
137Khoda DaadخدادادGod given. God Gifted.
138KhogخوږSweet / Cute.
140KhubaybخبیبA fast walker; Ibn "Adi al-Ansari RA" a companion of the Prophet PBUH who participated in the battle of Badr had this name.
141Khuda Bakhshخدا بخشGift of Khuda (Allah).
142KhulaidahخلیدهA form of Khalidah, meaning: permanent. Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr.
143KhulaifahخلیفهA form of Khalifah, meaning: Successor, heir. Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr.
144KhulaydخلیدAbidingt; A companion of the Prophet PBUH.
145KhuludخلودImmortality, eternity.
146KhulusClearness, purity
147KhunaysخنیسHidden; Name of a companion of the Prophet PBUH.
148KhuraymخریمIbn Fatik had this name.
149KhuraymahخریمهName of ibn Jazi RA, A companion of the Prophet PBUH also bin Sabit a noted companion who was martyred at Badr.
150KhurramخرمCheerful, glad, fresh.
151KhursheedThe sun.
153Khush Bakhtخوش بختFortunate, of good fortune.
155Khushdilخوش دلHappy heart.
156KhushtarSarrounded by happiness.
157Khuzaimah, KhuzaymahOld Arabic name
158KhuzaymaخزیمهOld Arabic name.
159KhuzaymahخزيمةOld Arabic name.
160KhwajaخواجهLeader, king, ruler, chief, president, governer.
161KhwazunخوزونMovement / Moving.
162KhyberخيبرFamous Pass.
163KibriaکبریاءDivine majesty, divine grandeur.
164KifahکفاحStruggle, fight.
165KifatکفاتLion, cheetah, tiger.
167KinzaHidden Treasure.
168KishwarکشورA country, region.
169Kohinoorکوه نورThe mountain of light, name of a precious stone.
170KulsoomکلثومIbn Al-Husayn al-Ghifari a well-known companion had this name; and quite a few others.
171KuraybکریبIbn Abi Muslim al-Hashami had this name.

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